Friday, September 4, 2015

Welcome to 2nd Grade! 2015-2016

Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Duffner and Mrs. Mueller are so excited for this year. 2015-2016 is going to be an amazing year for all of us. Your children are going to grow so much this year--welcome the independence. Encourage your children to be independent, read and they will surely succeed! Please, if you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Duffner or Mrs. Mueller! Mrs. Mueller will be co-teaching with Mrs. Duffner for Reading.
 Every day, we take a short break mid-afternoon for a healthy snack.  A snack calendar will be going home with your child once every two months.  The students are asked to bring in a nutritious snack for the class on their scheduled day.  Please check the snack calendar so that your snack day is not forgotten.  This will go along with their milk if it was ordered in the beginning of the year.  They may bring in juice if they did not order milk. 
            Students will bring home a binder daily. Their assignment book, homework folder, vocabulary, and other important information are kept in the binder. In the assignment book students write down the assignments for the day. Please check that the homework is done and then sign the assignment book and also ensure it is all put inside the book bag. By signing the assignment book, you’re not only checking to see that your child’s homework is completed but also sending a message to him/her that we’re working together in regards to his/her education. I will be checking and signing assignment notebooks daily. In addition, students will earn a sticker for each day that their assignment book has been signed. It is the parents’ homework to sign it every night.
Learning is a lifelong process which occurs both inside and outside of the classroom.  I want to thank you in advance for your cooperation, help and support throughout this school year. I hope to make this school year memorable and enjoyable for your child. Thanks again!